When making the choice to work from home, choosing the right computer equipment is essential. Plan ahead for your future needs to decide if having a laptop or a desktop model is more suitable for your needs. If you plan to be a road warrior, and travel more then twice a year, it may be wise to choose to work primarily on your laptop, so your work will be easily accessible. If you do not anticipate travelling very often, then a less costly desktop model may be just what you need.
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How do I convince my boss to let me telecommute?
Where do I find the best work at home jobs?
How do I get started looking for a work at home job?
How do I create my own work at home job?
What type of computer do I need if I want to work from home?
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What laptop model should I buy when I am a road warrior?
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What type of computer do I need if I want to work from home?
Should I buy a laptop or desktop computer if I want to telecommute?
How do I convince my boss to let me telecommute?
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